Website: My Resume
Other Info: yadda yadda yadda

Current research:

Today we had a breakthrough in the realm of substantive duality. Mathematically, e = mc^2 applies...

Today we had a breakthrough in the realm of substantive duality. Mathematically, e = mc^2 applies...

Today we had a breakthrough in the realm of substantive duality. Mathematically, e = mc^2 applies...

Field Awards:

Philosopher's Stone 2022 - Winner (Harry Potter award)

Philosopher's Stone 2022 - Winner (Harry Potter award)

Philosopher's Stone 2022 - Winner (Harry Potter award)

Philosopher's Stone 2022 - Winner (Harry Potter award)

Philosopher's Stone 2022 - Winner (Harry Potter award)

Other Top Minds (recommended by)

Dr. Strange

Gamma Radiation Specialist

Dr. Banner

Professor of Multi-verse Manipulation

Dr. Strange

Professor of Multi-verse Manipulation

Dr. Strange

Professor of Multi-verse Manipulation

Dr. Strange

Professor of Multi-verse Manipulation

Dr. Strange

Professor of Multi-verse Manipulation

Dr. Strange

Professor of Multi-verse Manipulation

Dr. Strange

Professor of Multi-verse Manipulation

Scientific Branches:

Multi-verse Theory

Real Matter


Exotic Matter

Ordinary Matter

Dark Matter

Black Holes




Gamma Radiation

Event Horizons



Big Bang Theory